It seems kind of silly, but I thought I'd take a couple minutes today and introduce myself to anyone who happens to stumble across my blog. I've been joining things, doing link ups, and blog stalking to try and meet people so I'm hoping that the occasional random reader may arrive here and I thought it might be helpful/useful to have a post with some of the basics of my life included. (Plus I couldn't think of anything else to write about today and I'd really like to blog daily, at least for the month of January, so it becomes a habit.)
I'm Sara, and this past May I turned the big 3-0. Hardest birthday ever. I've never struggled with getting older (maybe because I look super young...) but there was something about leaving my 20s behind that I really didn't enjoy. Plus I expected to be pregant before I was 30 and I was pretty disappointed that my birthday came and went without a baby bump. (I'm about 5 months away from turning 31 and we're still waiting.)
On July 25, 2009 I married my best friend, Jonathan. Our relationship started out a little rocky. I am five years older than him, and when we met he was 16. Creepy, I know! We didn't start dating right away, but in some ways it was definitely still awkward and weird when we did start. We dated for quite a while before he even told his parents about me. The age difference was part of it, but there were other issues as well. However, it's all behind us now, and I couldn't ask for a better relationship with my husband or with his family.
Jonathan is one of six kids - he has two older brothers, two younger brothers, and a younger sister. His two youngest brothers are both still at home, but the older two both live out of province and his younger sister is attending Pensacola Christian College in Florida. They're all very different (as siblings tend to be) but still all get along really well. I can't say I ever wished I came from a larger family, but I'm definitely glad I married into one. I just wish we all got to spend more time together.
I'm very close to my family. I used to say I was "daddy's girl" but as I've gotten older I've noticed I share an awful lot of personality traits with my mom. I have one brother, Jon, who is four years younger than I am. Part of the reason we're so tight as a family is that Jon was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was 17. The worst nights of my life were saying good-bye to him as we left the hospital to go home and sleep. He was one of the "lucky" ones though, and went into remission after his first round of chemo. Other than an slightly weakened immunue system and a scar on his chest from his hickman line you wouldn't even know he had been sick.
I am currently the Assistant Front End Manager at Sobeys. (A grocery store chain.) I started working for Sobeys in high school and stayed with them while completing two university degrees. Unfortunately, finding work as an elementary school teacher in my area is challenging and when an opportunity came up for advancement within Sobeys I decided to abandon teaching and see where I could go with Sobeys. I am currently fully trained and ready to be a department manager, it's just a waiting game now. (And I hate waiting!)
I am momma to a couple fur-babies. Sydney, our cat, has been with us since shortly after our wedding. (She's named after Sydney, Cape Breton which was where we spent part of our honeymoon.) We adopted Daisy, our beagle, from the SPCA a little over a year and a half ago. Daisy was 3 when we took her in and she had been used for breeding. She is a terrible sook and still isn't totally house-broken. She has the sweetest personality though and everyone who meets her absolutely adores her.
I think that's probably more than anyone really needs to know about me... But at least now you know a little bit about who I am.
It's nice to read some more about you, and nice to see you're back into blogging!