Off to the hospital for some blood work this morning. Just before Christmas Jonathan and I finally got in to see a specialist at the infertility clinic. (The proper name is Atlantic Assisted Reproductive Technologies, or AART.) Basically the doctor there told us we're going everything right, and to keep doing it. I know it's good that we're healthy, but I really wanted them to say, "This is what's wrong, take this pill and you'll get pregnant." Even though we seem healthy, she did ask me to re-do some bloodwork I had done about a year and a half ago to check my hormones, etc. I have to go on a certain day of my menstral cycle. Luckily, I have a fabulous and understanding boss, so I'm heading over to the hospital now and then going into work late.
The other thing they recommended at the clinic is a Hysteroalpingogram. Basically, they shoot dye through my tubes to make sure there's no blockages. Apparently it's pretty unpleasant, but even if they don't find major issues, having it done will increase your chances of conceiving. We're going to go ahead and do it, but it's a long, complicated process to get an appointment.
Last week when I was getting blood work done I noticed a poster in the waiting room about the top 10 reasons to adopt a school-aged child. Then on Pinterest a couple days later there was a picture of a girl wearing a t-shirt that said "adoption is the new pregnant." More and more lately I've found the idea of adoption on my mind. And I don't know if it's because I'm impatient, or because my brother-in-law and his wife are in the midst of the adoption process, or if it's because it's what Jonathan and I are supposed to be doing and that's why we're struggling to conceive. I still don't think we're quite ready to start down that path, but I'm wondering if it's time to start doing a little more research...
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