I'm not sure what the weather is like anywhere else, but it's not feeling very spring like here in Nova Scotia. I feel like we've barely seen the sun all month. And it's really starting to get to me. I don't suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder but I definitely find that the weather affects my mood and my motivation level. I get so much more accomplished at home when I can open the windows and crank the music. It's been alternating misting and pouring all day today and I haven't accomplished anything. Supper is in the slow cooker, but that's it. (And that wasn't even anything complicated, not even a new recipe.)
Right now they're forecasting sun for Saturday and I'm crossing my fingers. Not that I'll be able to really enjoy it if the day does end up sunny (I work 8 to 5 and then have to prepare for our church potluck on Sunday) but even just having sunshine coming through the windows will help I think.
I'm really hoping all this rainy, grey, depressing weather means we're in for a beautiful, warm, sunny May! Does anyone else find that the weather affects their moods? Or am I just odd?
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